
第一章 名稱


第二章 宗旨

  1. 促進會員間 的諒解與聯系。
  2. 提升會員知識水平。
  3. 促進健康文化體育活動。
  4. 培養集體自助。

第三章 會址
在獲得社團注冊官的許可之 前, 本會的注冊辦事處及通信地址不得更改。

第四章 會員
凡在三德中學或小學肆業或畢業的學生,或曾在三德中小 學任職的老師, 均可申請為本會會申請者須填具入會申請書,由名會員介紹及一名 會員附議。
申請書經執行委員會會議批准及繳 交入會費后, 即成為本會會員。

第五章 會費

  1. 一)普通會員應交 - 入會基金五元年捐十二元
    二)永久會員應交 - 入會基金五元永久會員捐一百元
  2. 如會員違抗本會章程及損害本會利益, 執行委員會有權終止其會員藉。
  3. 普通會員年捐須在每年的三月卅一日之前繳交。 如會員不按期交清年捐,其會員藉將被終止。

第六章 權利

  1. 居住在怡保市的普通會員有發言、選舉和被選權。也享本會章程內所提供的權利。
  2. 居住在怡保市外的普通會員擁有相同的權利,惟不可被選為理事。
  3. 如執行委員會犯錯而被終止職務時,二十名或以上會員可書面要求召開特別會員大會,決定有關問題並選舉新執行委員會。執行委員會于接得要求后的兩周內如不召開會議,有關會員得自行召開會議,無須得到執行委員會的同意。
  4. 會員藉生效至少一年后,會員才有選舉與被選的權力。

第七章 組織

  1. 本會由監察委員會監督下的執 行委員會管理。
  2. 執行委員會包括會長一名,副會長二名,總務一名,副總務一名,財政一名,文書一名,副文書一名,學術 主任一名,康樂主任一名,理事三名。監察委員會包括一名監察及一名查賬 。
  3. 本會的結構如下 :
    會員大會 / 執行委員會 - 主席 / 副主席 / 總務 / 副總務 / 財政 / 文書 / 副文書 / 學術主任 / 康樂主任 / 理事三名 / 監察委員會 - 監察 / 查帳

第八章 權 力

  1. 執行委員會執行會員常年大會的決議。與監察委員會聯合會議。
  2. 監察委員會監督執行委員會的執行情況與程序。
  3. 會長須知:
    1. 代表本會,
    2. 召開會議 ,
    3. 屬咐各組會議貫徹執行會務 ,
    4. 簽署文件及支票,
    5. 批准有關財務、收支事項。
    6. 副會長協助會長執行會務,與會長缺勤時代行其職權。
    7. 總務按會長的指示處理會務及其他其職權內之事項。
    8. 副總務協助總務處理會務,并于總務缺勤時代其職權 。
    9. 財政負責本會所有財政事項;他可保管現金不超過五百 元(RM500/=) 作零用開支。
    10. 超過之款項須存入以本 會名義開設的銀行戶口;他須連同會長或總務簽署支票。
    11. 文書處理起草及保管文件等工作,會議時為記錄 。
    12. 學術主任負責文化研究事務。
    13. 康樂主任負責社會交際及康樂事務。
    14. 監察基於本會的利益監督會務的進行。萬一發現不當事項,他須促 開會議作適當的改善。
    15. 查帳查核每月帳目并向監察委員會報告其正確性 。

第九章 選 舉

  1. 執行委員會的十三名成員及監察委員會的兩名成員須在常年大會選出。
  2. 經選出的執行委員會成員須根據本章程第七章B項條文複選出各職位。
  3. 經選出的監察委員會成員須根據本章程第七章B項條文複選出其職位。

第十章 任期

  1. 執行委員會及監察委員會的任期為兩年除下列說明者外,其他職位連選得連任之。本會之會長、總務及財政任期最多不能連續超過兩屆(四年)。
  2. 新執行委員會及監察委員會正式上任期為每年之四月。

第十一章 會 議

  1. 常年會員大會須在每年之四月前舉行。執行委員會必須在一星期前發出通知書與全體會員。
  2. 倘遇特別事項而致執行委員會與監察委員會無法作出決定時, 得召開特別會員大會處理之。十七人出席為合法。
  3. 如果要時,會長或監察可召開聯合會議。在三天前須發出通知書予 兩會成員。兩會成員總數的半數出席為合法。
  4. 執行委員會最少每三個月開會一次 。須在三天前發出通知書給全體 成員。成員的一半出席為合法。
  5. 所有議案均以簡單的大多數通過為准。會長享有決定票特權 。
  6. 所有會議議決應適時地記錄及歸檔。
  7. 會長為會議主席,當他缺勤時,副會長代行其職位,當會長及副會長都缺勤時,出席會議者可在他們中選出一位為臨時主席。

第十二章 財務
本會的活動經費來自會員捐款, 永久會員費及其他捐助 。

第十三章 開支
總務、會長或委員會有權批准不超RM500、RM1000、RM5000元的開支 。
任何超過 5000元的開支, 必須經會員大會通過 。

第十四章 帳務
本會收支每月結算一次。 年度結算至十二月卅一日。 財務報告每三個月公布一次 。

第十五章 修改章程
除非在會員大會中通過并獲得社團注冊官的批准, 本會章程不得修改。

第十六章 解散
如經五分之三有效會員的同意 , 經會員大會通過,本會可以解散。
如根據上述條文解散, 本會一切債務須先償還,倘有餘款,須由同一會議決定平分與會員或完全捐贈慈善機構。解散通知書須在解散決定后的十四天內呈報社團注 冊官署備案 。

第十七章 信託
這項委託需由社團注冊官署簽定信托証書及蓋印 。

This Association shall be known as the "Ipoh Sam Tet School Old Boys Association".


The aims of this Association are:-

  1. to bring the members into close and constant contact with one another,
  2. to further their acquisition of knowledge,
  3. to promote physical culture, and
  4. to foster collective self-help.


The Address of the Association shall be:- 78, PERSIARAN GREENHILL, 30450 IPOH, PERAK. The registered address and place of meeting of the Association shall not be changed except by a resolution of the committee and with the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.


Anyone who has graduated from or studied or taught in the Sam Tet School, either in the Primary or High School section, shall be eligible for membership in this Association. Applicants for admission shall be introduced and recommended by one who is already a member and application shall be made on an application form. They shall be admitted to full membership when their applications have received the approval of the Executive Committee, and after they have paid the required fees.



  1. i) An ordinary member shall pay an entrance fee of RM5.0 and an annual Subscription of RM12.00.
      ii) A life member shall pay an entrance fee of RM5.00 and a life membership fee of RM100.00.
  2. If a member violates the Rules of the Association or in other illegal way acts in contrary to the interest of the Association, the Executive Committee shall have the option to terminate his membership.
  3. The annual subscription shall be paid by all ordinary members by the 31st March of each year. If a member's annual subscription had not been paid by this day, his privileges as a member shall be suspended.



  1. Ordinary members who reside in the city of Ipoh shall have the right to speak, vote and to be elected.
      He shall also be entitled to all privileges contained in this Rules.
  2. Ordinary members who reside outside the city of Ipoh shall have the same privileges as those who reside within Ipoh except for the right to be elected as office bearers.
  3. If the Executive Committee is suspected of improper practice or conduct, a total of more than twenty members may petition in writing for the convention of an extra ordinary general meeting to resolve the issue or to elect a new Executive Committee. If upon receipt of the petition, the Executive Committee had not convened such meeting within two weeks, the members concerned shall have the right to convene a valid general meeting without the consent of the Executive Committee.
  4. A membership must be in force for at least one year before the member has the right to vote and to be elected.



  1. The Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee under the supervision of the Supervisory Committee.
  2. The Executive Committee shall comprise of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, an Assistant Secretary General, a Treasurer, a Correspondence Secretary, an Assistant Correspondence Secretary, an Academic Secretary, a Social Secretary and three ordinary committee members. The Supervisory Committee shall comprise of a Supervisor and an Auditor.
  3. The Organization of the Association shall be as follow:
    Members General Meeting Executive Committee President
    Two Vice Presidents
    Secretary General
    Assistant Secretary General
    Executive Treasurer
    Correspondence Secretary
    Assistant Correspondence Secretary
    Academic Secretary
    Social Secretary
    Three Ordinary Committee Members
    Supervisory Committee Supervisor



  1. The Executive Committee is the body which carries out the rulings of the Annual General Meeting of   members, and those of the Executive and the Supervisory Committee Joint Council.
  2. The Supervisory Committee is the body which controls the procedure and acts of the Executive Committee.
  3. The President shall enjoy the right to:-
    1. represent the Association,
    2. convene all meetings,
    3. enjoin on the officers of the various Committees the carrying our of their duties in connection with the affairs of the Association,
    4. endorse or sign all legal documents and cheques,
    5. approve everything relating to the financial interests, the receipts and expenses of the Association.
  4. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of all his duties, and act on his behalf in the event of his absence.
  5. The Secretary General shall carry out the duties entrusted to him by the President, and see to everything which is not within the province of the other officers.
  6. The Assistant Secretary General shall assist the Secretary General in all his duties, and act on his behalf in the event of this absence.
  7. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all moneys on behalf of the Association. He shall not retain more than RM500/= in cash at any one time for petty cash expenses. All moneys in excess of this amount shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Association. Cheques and other documents for withdrawals from bank shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer with either the President or the Secretary General.
  8. The Correspondence Secretary and his Assistant shall be responsible for the drafting and filling of all documents and the recording of the minutes and decisions of the meetings.
  9. The Academic Secretary shall see to all matters pertaining to cultural research.
  10. The Social Secretary shall see to all matters pertaining to the physical and social Interests of the members.
  11. The Supervisor shall see to the conduct and progress of the affairs and interests of the Association. In case of misdemeanour on the part of any of the members, he shall call for a meeting to consider suitable remedy for the case in hand.
  12. The Auditor shall inquire into the accounts once a month and shall report without delay to the Supervisory Committee, any fraud or dishonesty that has come to his notice.



  1. Thirteen members of the Executive Committee and two members of the Supervisory Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The elected members of the Executive Committee shall elect from amongst themselves the positions in the Executive Committee as listed in rule 7B.
  3. The elected members of the Supervisory Committee shall elect from amongst themselves the positions in the Supervisory Committee as listed in Rule 7B.



  1. The terms of office for the Executive Committee and the Supervisory Committee shall be two years. The committee members are eligible for re-election subject to the exception stated below.
    A member may be elected to be the President, the Secretary General or the Treasurer for a maximum of two consecutive terms (four years) only.
  2. The new Executive Committee and Supervisory Committee shall start the terms of office in April of the year they are elected.



  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before April each year. At lease one week's notice shall be issued by the Executive Committee to all members.
  2. Should a special question arises on which the Executive and the Supervisory Committees can give no decision, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened. An attendance of at least 17 members shall form a quorum for a General or Extraordinary General Meeting.
  3. In case of necessity, the President or the Supervisor may convene and Executive and Supervisory Committee Joint Council. Three day's notice thereof shall be given. Half the total committee members shall form a quorum.
  4. The Executive Committee should convene a committee meeting at lease once every three months. Three days notice thereof shall be given to the members of the committee. Half of the total attendance shall form a quorum.
  5. All resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority. The President shall enjoy the privilege of the casting vote.
  6. All the decisions of the Meeting shall be duly recorded and filed.
  7. The President shall be the Chairman of the Meetings of the Association, and in his absence, the Vice President. In the absence of the President and the Vice Presidents, the members in attendance shall elect from amongst themselves a temporary chairman.

The funds for the activities of the Association shall be accrued from members' annual subscription, life membership subscription and other subscriptions.

The Secretary General, President or Executive Committee shall have the authority to approve and item of expenditure up to RM500/=, RM1000/= or RM5000/= respectively. Any item of expenditure exceeding RM5000/= shall only be approved by a General Meeting.

The receipts and payments of the Association shall be balanced once a month. Annual accounts shall be balanced on the 31st of December every year. Published accounts shall be issued every three months.

Any amendment to these Rules shall not be effected without the consent of the General Meeting and the approval of the Registrar of Society.

The Association shall not be dissolved except by a resolution passed at a General Meeting and supported by at least 3/5 (three fifth) of the members, either in person or by postal votes. If such a dissolution is in fact passed, all debts legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged. The disposure of the remaining assets, if any, shall be determined at the same General meeting. These assets shall either be distributed equally among the members or entirely be donated to charitable institutions in the state. Notice of dissolution shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies within 14 days of the dissolution.

The Association shall be the registered owner of all immovable properties of the Association. Three (3) members of the current Executive Committee, namely the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer are required to form the legal signatories of these properties on behalf of the Association, whose appointments are authenticated by a Certificate of the Registrar and Seal of the Society.